
Blog: The Invisible Damage: Air Pollution And The Effect It Is Having On Your Skin
Although you cannot see it every single day our skin is being exposed to harmful chemicals in the atmosphere in the form of pollution. All around us the air is full of particulate matter, nitrogen...

Blog: The importance of Omega 3 fatty acids in the diet
Omega 3 essential fatty acids are so called because the body cannot make them so they have to come from the diet. Ever since pioneering research many years ago showed that in Greenland Eskimos who...

Blog: Which skin supplements really work?
The British public spent over £670 million on dietary vitamins and supplements in 2014 so Brits clearly love supplements. But do they really work or can we get all of the nutrients we need for gre...

Blog: How different is female skin from male skin? The ins and outs..
When it comes to our skin men and women differ quite dramatically, especially when we look at how the skin ages. Here is a brief guide to the main ways in which our skin is different from each othe...